RNFA - Registered Nurse First Assistant

ROCnord offers specialized training for nurses who will function as first assistants in robotic surgical procedures. The program consists of two sessions of three-day intensive training, with intermediate self-study and black box training.

There will be systematic training of laparoscopic skills in the black box and on live tissue. In addition, participants will gain in-depth insight into handling the robot, including docking and emergency undocking, patient cart and vision cart operation, as well as troubleshooting strategies. The course includes both theoretical and practical assessments.

The purpose of the RNFA education is to provide participants with laparoscopic skills and insight into handling the surgical robot, qualifying them to assume an assisting role.
Each course accommodates up to 6 participants.

Practical Information

Price: 3000 euros for all six days.

Course Dates in 2024/25

  • RNFA-course Decemebr 4.-6. 2024 (part I) and January 13.-15 2025 (part II)
  • RNFA-course April 2.-4. 2025 (part I) and May 5.-7. (part II)

For registration, please contact Stine Ødum Sørensen at stos@rn.dk.
